
TWINS SAVE ROCK AND ROLL IN 2016 From the bowels of the pop universe a band of true misfits rise from the ash of the rock and roll tradition. guided by the ghosts of Lennon & McCartney, Chilton & Bell and the Davies Brothers, this group has taken it upon themselves to stand as the torchbearers, the point men of power pop, the pied piper's of the entire guitar rock and roll institution!! here are........ TWIN

With four members, the band Twins isn’t really twins at all. But they’re all family, they say, even the one who technically isn’t.

Band members say they wouldn’t have it any other way, and probably can’t.

“We don’t really know anybody else, and nobody else can fall right in and play with us,” said Joel Sires, singer and guitarist for Twins. “They don’t go anywhere, so it’s convenient. Everybody gets better together.”

Twins, a Cedar Valley-based, '60s rock group, is relatively new, but the band’s members might be recognized by fans of the now-defunct Infandous and The Teddy Boys, both of which disbanded within the past five years.

“I was always on the business end of things — I booked shows and tours, did paperwork,” said Luke Sires, the drummer. “Now, we’ve got Harper (Sires) and Joel, both songwriters — I help arrange — and (bassist) Caleb (Poland) joined us a month ago, that’s been great. Then it all just came together.”
Amie Steffen - Waterloo Courier

"A Teddy Boys rebirth in all the right ways" pop singer/producer wunderkind Ian Williams