The Echoes


About this artist

The Echoes rocked together from 1989 to 1995.

All songs by The Echoes were composed and texted in the early 1990s. The songs "Much Hope" "No Way too Far" "How long" were recorded in 1992.

We rocked and played in year 2019“How long (2019)” and “Crazy Dreams” live in the Watt Matters Studio in Bielefeld. You can clearly hear the playful joy.

The new Release
No Way too Far von The Echoes

"No Way too far" by The Echoes was written in Greece in early 1990 by our singer Tim. By beautiful nature and inspired, it is about the other side of this life, about hunger, poverty and other problems of this world. The song should ask us to finally act and to fight for a better and more humanistic world order.