Schizophrenic God



Schizophrenic God A.K.A SKAeM, is a Producer, Designer, Master Of Ceremony, Grand Master Of “Ghostwriting”, and a Trendsetter.. Deciphering mainly his visions as a unspoken phenomenon, he currently creating visual edits with cartoon, film, or rare footage almost as encrypted messages followed by instrumentals and unique sound selections of originality. Each masterpiece with it’s rare audio samples and creative drums combined make every aspect of desire in hearing music ahead of time a possibility. The digital arts partake in the established creations as much as blackbook sketches for bringing ideas to life. SKAeM has been credited for his instrumental Air Waves on a Horror Film directed by Thorsten Fleisch. He is creating designs for clothing and has his capability focused on redefining his material including sticker art, propaganda and handstyles among more of his wicked innovative ability.