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The challenge of distinguishing the appropriate model of understanding the essence of our sonic interaction with the world on the molecular level can only be solved through the investigation of consciousness through the lens of art itself as opposed to science. MNEEMO is a concept created by the Russian London-based DJ producer Yaroslav Gorovoy, who started his activity in April 2018 with the release of his first work titled “Far Away”.

This very concept was designed as the symbolic representation for the artistic essence which his art stands for, which finds its dialectical expression in the emphasis on the anti-egotistic nature introspection which his music carries.

This new paradigmatic approach to the aesthetics of music which finds its expression in MNEEMO’s work mirrors the nurturing element of the Dionysian essence of music, pre-necessitating the listener to lose oneself for the sake of ultimate rediscovery & resurrection through one’s relationship to his art. The central aim of the experience for MNEEMO is to provide the foundation for the listener to explore the truth of not so much the object of art itself but the truth which forms the relationship one share with this object.

Such an investigation is meant to carefully lead the listener through the path of introspection, assisting him in the creation of a brand new understanding of the world and oneself as a singular form of consciousness operating inside of that world.

For Demos, Bookings & Enquiries:
[email protected]