Gabriella Cohen



Melbourne, Australia’s Gabriella Cohen writes hazy, melancholy tunes which reflect on lost love and loneliness. Influenced by Mazzy Star, the Velvet Underground, and ’50s/’60s pop, her fuzz-soaked tunes are dreamy and laid-back, intimate and introspective. Cohen and fellow songwriter Jim Griffin formed shambolic garage pop duo the Furrs in early 2013, and the band released two well-received EPs and played numerous gigs across Australia, sharing the stage with the likes of King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard and the Babe Rainbow. Cohen wrote solo material during this time, releasing two digital EPs of demos on her Bandcamp page. Several songs from the 2015 demo ended up on her full-length debut, Full Closure and No Details, which was independently released in 2016. The album received acclaim from several magazines and websites, including Mojo, Uncut, and Rolling Stone Australia, and Captured Tracks re-released it in 2017. ~ Paul Simpson