Black Summer



FROSTiE doesn’t like to consider himself a rapper but rather an all around creator. He has decided to no longer pursue music for fame or notoriety but for passion and love. He has made music for over 2 decades and is now in what he says is possibly his ‘last push’ of his musical art that is to be released independently. 

“I thought about hanging it up, but one night I sat and listened to all of my music and felt my soul talk, it told me to release everything and that it would be a shame to not let the world make the decision on whether it inspires them or not” says FROSTiE. 

For FROSTiE or iE for short, creating music isn’t something he ‘tries’ to do, it’s just something that he does and it comes naturally he says. Even after lengthy breaks at a time, sometimes even years.

“I don’t expect to gain much from making music anymore, but I do know there’s an audience out there that will appreciate what I do musically so I’ll market it accordingly from this point on.” Says iE.

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