Elliott Drake



I have always been attracted to unique sounds in different types of music and I have been addicted to music as fare back as my earliest childhood memories . In my early years I was influenced by Classical, Jazz, Blues, Classic Rock, Hip Hop and any sounds no matter the music genre the caught my attention. When I was little I would take my mothers Pink Floyd and Yanni tapes up to my bedroom and on a dual tape player I would recorder and mix up my own tapes of sounds that I wanted to hear. I guess looking back I was trying to get a collection of sounds to make my own music. I just didn't know it at the time.

At age 10. Dance Music was introduced to me by a German exchange student who was living with us while he was in the states. Dance Music has been without a dought my greatest passion. I listen to all genres of music but I am a full blown Dance Music Junkie. If Dance Music was taken away from me completely I would die from withdraws.