Ricercar Consort
Distracted Tymes · 2024
Últimos lanzamientos
Distracted Tymes
Da Pacem
Buxtehude : Salvator Mundi
Beethoven: Irish Songs
Soli Deo Gloria
Buxtehude: Membra Jesu Nostri
Consolatio - Bach: Cantatas Nos. 22, 75 & 127
Biber: Imitatio
Bach: Musikalisches Opfer (The Musical Offering)
Passions de l'âme et du cœur
In tempore Nativitas - Bach: Christmas Cantatas Nos. 63, 110 & 151
Weckmann: Conjuratio
Sobre este artista
Belgian instrumental ensemble founded 1980, together with the record label .
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