Moscow State Symphony Orchestra


Moscow State Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1943 by the Government of the Soviet Union and is one of the oldest symphony orchestras in Russia.
Now is Московский государственный академический симфонический оркестр под управлением Павла Когана (МГАСО) = Moscow State Academic Symphony Orchestra under leading of .
Conductors and leaders:
1943 – 1945 = Lev Steinberg
1945 – 1948 = Leonid Khudoley
1948 – 1951 = Nikolai Anosov
1951 – 1953 = Victor Smirnov
1953 – 1955 = Leo Ginzburg
1955 – 1960 Михаил Тэриан =
1960 – 1989 Вероника Дударова =
1989 – 2022 Павел Коган =