Miss Efemby

About this artist

About Miss eFeMBy :

Miss eFeMBy also known as Denise was born 1983 in Germany. At the age of 16 she started spinning vinyl records at a friends house. Eventually she also started to buy her own records and so the love for DJ’ing began.

Whilst hanging out with her friends, they were thinking about what artist name would fit Denise.

She played mostly hard techno and absolutely loved the bass!

Around that time the idea of “Feel My Bass” was born, it wasn’t really a name but after some creative juggling with letters she decided on Miss eFeMBy, pronounced as Miss eF – eM – Bi.

The next 20 years she was resident in many different clubs and had bookings in many other locations.

Over the years the love of DJ’ing turned into something else, passion. Passion for music and therefor she decided to start creating her own music by using Ableton and lots of creativity at the end of 2018.

At the end of July 2019 she started the weekly 3 hour live show “Techno Diaries” every Wednesday @ Radio Dark Tunnel.