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A power metal ensemble with neo-classical flourishes, Meduza were founded in 2000 by guitarist Stefan Berg, who proceeded to surround himself with fellow Swedes Jan Larsson (keyboards), Jonas Edström (bass), and Ola Gronlund (drums), as well as Greek-born vocalist Apollo Papathanasio (of symphonic metal band Majestic). Two albums followed, with 2002′s Now and Forever owing a great stylistic debt to Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force, while 2004′s Upon the World attempted to branch out into more deliberate tempos and traditional metal songwriting. But neither stood out from the surrounding Scando-metal din, and before long Papathanasio had been lured to the greener pastures (in the personally rewarding and monetary sense) of Firewind. Meanwhile, Stefan Berg and his cohorts continued to audition new prospective singers with a view of relaunching their career by resuming their preferred neo-classical metal style. ~ Eduardo Rivadavia