Official videos

About this artist

In the short time since KYE formally introduced herself to the world, she's already won over audiences with her celebratory, sun-soaked sound that effortlessly bridges pop and R&B, keeping joy and freedom at the forefront with shining rhythmic deliveries, championing her undeniable songwriting and vocal talents.

Zimbabwean born, London raised, now Naarm/Melbourne based, KYE’s relationship with music blossomed as a young child growing up in the UK. In between vivid memories spent singing through sickness and health, gospel songs, talent shows, girl bands and more, her voice flourished with each deep embrace of her identity.

Deeply informed by her experience as a young black woman experiencing life through a predominately white societal lens, KYE finds herself today confident, strong and humble, ready to share her mantra of embracing openness and finding joy in it, with the world.