Jaden Maskie

Sobre este artista

Jaden Mascarenhas, professionally known as Jaden Maskie is a 21-Year-old upcoming artist from Goa, India.
He started his career as a vocal recording artist and has shown off his voice through plenty of TV advertisements and jingles.
He has also sung for many movies as a backup vocalist!

Starting out in 2020, Jaden released 4 singles to the world namely 'Not My Mistake', 'If I Let You Go', 'The Way I Fall in Love' and 'These Nights With You'
Jaden's collaboration 'The Way I Fall in Love' with Tsumyoki and 2jaym was and still is a huge success, now sitting at 250,000+ streams!

His single 'These Nights With You' saw his first Spotify Editorial playlist placement, wrapping up his first year in music!

'Rhythm Of My Heart' was his first single in 2021 which was released on the 29th Of January 2021.

Followed up by 'Dreaming In My Mind' which is a tribal-influenced pop single!
Featured on Spotify's Fresh Finds India, Radar India and IndiEnglish, the track has crossed 60,000+ streams!

Jaden Maskie's latest single 'Start Over'with Utope, released on the 8th Of October! It is a pop-based EDM track!
'Start Over' has launched Jaden Maskie into an international audience, bringing in over 70,000+ new listeners and 500,000 total Spotify streams!

Want to know more about Jaden Maskie?
Follow him on his Instagram or Twitter!
Photo Credits: Ethan Mascarenhas