Hui Ohana

About this artist

The word that comes up most often when people refer to Hui 'Ohana is "magic." Formed by singer Dennis Pavao and his twin cousins Ledward and Nedward Ka'apana, Hui 'Ohana set the standard for the Hawaiian music renaissance of the 1970s. Singing a mix of traditional and contemporary songs, the trio's chemistry created a kind of alchemical reaction: they crafted gossamer harmonies that defy understanding, evoked the ephemeral aloha and just happened to perfect the art of leo ki'eki'e, or falsetto singing, at the same time. The magic persisted through the '70s: they released eight albums between 1973 and '78, working extensively with producer Bill Murata and gaining international fame as well as local adulation for their innovative sound. While the group released a final album in 1987 and have continued to occasionally perform and record live albums, they've all pursued solo careers since.