Grupo Bongar

About this artist

O Bongar é composto por seis jovens integrantes do terreiro Xambá, do Quilombo do Portão do Gelo, em Olinda. Tem como propósito levar aos palcos a tradicional Festa do Coco da Xambá, realizada na comunidade há mais de 40 anos. O Bongar tem um trabalho voltado para a preservação e divulgação da cultura pernambucana e a formação musical de seus integrantes tem origem no universo popular, especificamente da comunidade religiosa Xambá. Sua forte musicalidade, advinda de diversas influências musicais vivenciadas nos cultos afro-brasileiros, principalmente da linhagem Xambá, é herança deixada desde a infância aos integrantes do Bongar. Os mais velhos ensinaram os toques, as loas e as danças durante as festas da Casa Xambá.

Bongar is comprised of six young members of the Xambá terreiro, from the Quilombo the Portão do Gelo, Olinda. Their purpose is taking the traditional Festa do Coco da Xambá, which happens within the community for over 40 years, to the stages. Bongar’s works are also related to the preservation and promotion of Pernambuco’s culture and their members’ musical upbringing has it’s origin in the popular universe, specifically religious community Xambá’s.
The group showcases through their presentations all musicality from Coco do Xambá, a subgenre of this rhythm so popular at Brazil’s northeastern region, plus ciranda, maracatu, candomblé and other rhythms from roots’ culture. Performs, also, percussion and popular dance workshops, instrument manufacturing, classes and lectures.
Audiences have the opportunity of getting to know not only the music and dance of this so peculiar coco, but comprehending the historic and cultural upbringing of this Nation.
Their strong musicality, coming from diverse musical influences experienced at African-Brazilian cults, especially the Xambá lineage, is a heritage left to Bongar members since childhood. The older ones teach the rhythms and dances during the Casa Xambá festivities.