Circle (Finland)

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Circle are a Finnish experimental rock band with similarities to English and U.S. post-rock and electronics-fueled instrumental acts such as Loop, Surgery, Trans-Am, and Tortoise. Although their early material is as hard to find as Finnish beachwear, released as they were on tiny Arctic Circle labels such as Circles of Seventh Seal and Bad Vugum, the band got some Stateside exposure in 1993 thanks to American indie VHF, which reissued their Silver EP. The group has been featured on compilations of Finnish experimental music alongside such electronica curiosities as Jimi Tenor, and have released countless albums, EPs, and soundtracks since forming in 1991. Although their material occasionally crosses over from a meandering grooves-and-textures romp to full-on prog rock and heavy metal overload, the group’s most inventive moments have at least managed an occasionally fascinating balance of the two. ~ Sean Cooper