Black TT

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Thozamani Thula/DJ Black TT (Music Production Guest)

Thozamani Thula refers to himself as an ‘upcoming’ Dj well-known by his crowd as Dj Black TT. He was born 1989/ 10/11 in Soweto Johannesburg, South Africa but his family moved to Cape Town in 1992, where he grew up.

He was planning out his career in 2010 after High School when he so his potential towards Music.

He started focusing on music with a group of other talented individuals; while they produced House music, he focused more on the Hip Hop music production.

The talented Dj has a huge confidence towards Music because although he started out producing Hip Hop, he spread his wings through the influence of his colleagues and started producing House Music. He now has a developed skill of being attentive to all kinds of music and finding just the right sound for each genre. .

In 2011 Black TT remixed EPs under Anarchy Music Label

The EPs that were remixed were; Mizz ft Mama B – Mandulo , Deepconsoul ft Khanyi – My wonderful coffee and more

In April 2012 Black TT formed Soul-tones SA with Ayanda Zwilakhe , Sonwabile Sobekwa and Anelisa Blom. Early November 2012 he was founded Yizo Lezi Music ( YLM ), which has now grown to even offering events, photography and editing as its services.