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From his diverse appearances & sexually driven persona to his passion for what he does. It took time for the now known as artist “Avie” to become who he is today. Being from a small town like Winter Haven, located in Central Florida & coming from a religious family as he did, Avie grew up sheltered from the vast diversity music has to offer. What he knew was only what he was surrounded by, at 11 he started his first band called “Crusaders”. Him the lead singer, and his two childhood friends on piano & guitar. Preforming at local churches, Charity events, Homeless shelter fundraisers & pretty much anywhere they could get a gig. After time passed the group separated, Avie went on to become a praise & worship leader for the youth group he attended in the church he grew up in. He continued this till the age of 16. During that time he battled with the constant doubt that if the road he was on was right for him or right for what his family invisioned him to be. At 16 he then became introduced to the broadcasting app “Younow”. On this app he would broadcast every night preforming for his viewers, as more and more people began watching his broadcasts the more he started to realize what it was he wanted. Being involved in this community of people with the same dream as him, it opened his eyes to a whole new world. Different genres & styles of music he had never been allowed to listen to, many different walks of life than what he was used to, a way to market yourself and learn from others and much more. Gaining fans at the rate he was, he started writing his own music and made a youtube channel, creating a family of broadcast viewers who idolized him. Inspiring viewers his age that self harm was not the answer he grew a passion for lifting the spirits of others and it showed through his music. As time went on he began dealing with a lot of self discovery, such as his sexuality. He always knew he was different but never knew why. Being raised in the way he was, he always buried away his homosexuality thoughts but as his eyes began to open to this whole new world he realized the truth about himself and became conflicted with the thought of letting that secret go for the sake of judgment from the ones he loved. Dealing with his inner demons he strayed from the broadcasts & music in general to find peace within himself. At almost 18, he came out as being apart of the LGBT community. Finally finding himself gave him a peace like no other, but there was now something else missing, that fire he once had for music and to become an artist had been put out. When he turned 18 he moved to downtown Tampa. Coming from such a small town as he did, living in the city gave him the rush he was feening for. Working as a server by day and partying every night he became obsessed with the life he now had. So many new faces & experiences to be made, he endulged in the rebellion he was living. Yet there was still a restless feeling in his soul. Heartbreak after heartbreak, addiction after addiction, & night after night he started searching for the answer to fulfill him. Soon realizing the path he was on was so far gone from the same dream he once had. Disappointed in the life he strayed from, he started playing piano again, writing music, practicing everyday, preforming at many open mic nights but most importantly, he started dreaming again. Chasing after what he always wanted making up for the time lost.

Now at only 20 years old, he’s back & wont stop until he has fufilled his dream. Recording his official debut EP expected to drop this spring, with many performances lined up this summer, Avie is making his way on the scene and will soon be a name everyone will know