
공식 동영상

이 아티스트에 대하여

Nakamura Minami is a Japanese rapper who has a tough memory that she was a homeless, in contrast to her childlike characteristics. Her career started from the Hip-hop unit “TENG GANG STARR” which was formed in 2015 by kamui (3-i). In September 2018, they released the CD album "ICON" including some collaborations with Minchanbaby, WillyWonka, MIYACHI, Masayoshi Iimori (from TREKKIE TRAX). The album has become a hot topic in rap scene but also in dance music scene.

In March 2019, “TENG GANG STARR” disbanded, but as soon as Minami's solo activity began, she was featured on “Gaki Ranger”'s album.

On May 1st in the same year, Minami released “Reiwa” with a Japanese sound team "TREKKIE TRAX CREW" under the theme of Japan's new era. Accompanying that collaboration, she performed as a guest MC at "EDC Japan" festival with "TREKKIE TRAX CREW".

Her intense and cute lyrics and performance are worth to watch, especially if you are looking for up and coming Japanese rapper.

天真爛漫な見た目とは裏腹に元ホームレスというハードな経歴を持つフィメールMC。2015年にkamui(3-i)に見出されヒップホップ・ユニット「TENG GANG STARR」を結成。2018年9月には全国流通1st CD アルバム『ICON』をレーベルbpm Tokyoよりリリースした。MinchanbabyやWillyWonka、そしてMIYACHIなどのラッパーを客演に迎え、さらにTREKKIE TRAXのMasayoshi Iimoriとのコラボ・シングルを発表しラップシーンのみならずダンスミュージックシーンにもその存在を叩きつけた。