Yosef Daniel

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Yosef Daniel's unique story coupled with his unique blend of Latin based guitar riffs in his music, make his presentations a must see. He has been hosted by BreslevTV on numerous occasions, has his music playing on Israeli and American radio stations. YD has presented his life story as an inspirational talk to college campuses in Israel as well as Yeshivas. Coming from a tuff neighborhood, surviving a drive by shooting and finding peace and truth in learning Torah and finally converting to Judaism in 2010 with his wife and his 1st son. Now living in Israel with wife and seven children in Bet Shemesh, YD is the lead singer of @Mariachi Yerushalaim and has his solo project as @elcharrodeisrael

For Booking:
[email protected]
Israel: +927.53.570.9829
USA: +1.786.903.0029