Trillary Banks


Hailing from the city of Leicester female rap phenomenon Trillary Banks has undoubtedly solidified her position within the ever expanding uk music landscape. After putting in many years of hard graft her breakout single came in the form of 'Come over mi yard' released Jun 2017.

Within the space of a year Trillary Banks has released a string of critically acclaimed singles accumulating Millions of views and streams alike . Her sound,a fresh and raw blend of Rap with Dancehall is often referred to as contagious and has catapulted her into the limelight and summer playlists of listeners worldwide

Trillary was featured on 2018 watch list of various Credible publications including Complex, Fact Magazine and Hotnewhiphop.

Follow her on twitter and instagram @TrillaryBanks6
Bookings and Business inquiries : [email protected]