Jai Hemant Shroff, known professionally as Tiger Shroff, is an Indian actor who works in Hindi films. Born to actors Jackie Shroff and Ayesha Dutt, he made his acting debut with the action romance Heropanti, for which he won the IIFA Award for Star Debut of the Year – Male. Shroff went on to star in the commercially successful action films Baaghi, Baaghi 2, and War. This was followed by a series of unsuccessful big-budget actions films such as Heropanti 2, Ganapath and Bade Miyan Chote Miyan.
In 2019, Shroff co-founded the mixed martial arts organisation Matrix Fight Night. He has featured in Forbes India's Celebrity 100 list in 2018 and 2019. As a singer, he has released several singles.
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