Three Less One

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Mathematics is the silent music of reason, it speaks of the universe as if it had found the line of her silence.
“Three Less One” is a new music project starring Gabriele Danzi and Osvaldo de Grazia, DJ Producers united in their love for electronic music.
The duo that comes from Potenza, moved to Rome and stood out immediately, under the name of “Shake Beat”, in the world of Roman night that immediately gave them the possibility to express themselves in their DJ sets that perform both as residents in some of the evenings most prominent events, and also as hosts during their openings to both national and international artists alike.
For The duo to participate in their events, and mix music for other artists was not enough, they wanted more. They were passionate about the hidden side of the story and were intrigued by the production. The duo got back into the game and decided to start from scratch with a new name, and a new energy. It studied the machines, sequencers software and started naming what was formerly just a vibration coming out from the speakers of the clubs in which they played. It was inspired by the history of house music and made it his own one.
There is a chemical in everything, each element forming a result is the sum of the parts.
In the case of “Three Less One” it comes to music, images, technique, sound research, ear and passion.
All this, added together gives birth to a project that goes beyond the ordinary composition of a song or an album, it is the union of two heads but four ears planning something unique that does not stop at 'appearance but penetrates deeper into a path motivated by a great love for the music.
This is not about following the rules and make the greatest number of combinations, that would be too much, useless and cumbersome.
The real work is choosing among these combinations, cutting out the unnecessary ones.