Thomas Guthrie

About this artist

Thomas Guthrie is an English director, actor and baritone singer.
Guthrie was born in England. He began singing as a boy under George Guest at St John's College, Cambridge. He then read Classics at Trinity College, Cambridge before winning a scholarship to study at the Royal Northern College of Music, where he won prizes including the Brigitte Fassbaender Award for Lieder, the Schubert Prize, and an English-Speaking Union scholarship to study with Thomas Allen in Chicago.
In 2002 he co-directed the Bampton Classical Opera production of Waiting for Figaro.
In 2010, 2011 and 2013 he and Gwyneth Herbert sang in The Playlist, a series of BBC Radio 4 broadcasts recreating the previously unknown musical lives of famous figures from the past, discovering and recording their favourite songs – including songs they themselves had composed.
He directed a critically acclaimed production of Rossini's The Barber of Seville at London's Royal Opera House in 2014.
In early April 2020, in the era of coronavirus, he organised a multi-musician internet recital, with participants singing or playing the ballad "Where Have All The Flowers Gone?" from their homes to raise funds for Help Musicians UK.