The Revolution

About this artist

Prince's backing band from in 1983 to 1986.

NOTE: Please use this credit only if The Revolution appear on the release without Prince. If The Revolution is credited with Prince, please use .

Although an earlier form of the same band existed since 1979 and toured with him from 1979 to 1983. The departure of Dez Dickerson from Prince's band and his replacement with Wendy Melvoin marks "The Revolution" foundation. The original lineup Wendy Melvoin (Guitar), Mark Brown (Bass), Bobby Z. (Drums), Dr. Fink (Keyboards) and Lisa Coleman (Keyboards) was later expanded with: Eric Leeds (Saxophone), Atlanta Bliss (Trumpet), Mico Weaver (Guitar), Jerome Benton (Dance / Vocals), Greg Brooks (Dance / Vocals) and Wally Safford (Dance / Vocals).