The Legendary Pink Dots


Legendary Pink Dots front man Edward Ka-Spel comes across as a dandified version of the Grim Reaper doing Gary Numan karaoke. Since 1980, Ka-Spel, main collaborator Phil Knight (a.k.a. the Silver Man), and a shifting troupe of musicians have created some of the most enigmatic and challenging compositions in modern music. From the minimalist synth tone poems on early albums such as The Tower to the futuristic/psychedelic effusions featured on The Maria Dimension, Ka-Spel and his confreres' position in Experimental music's vanguard has remained secure. The uniqueness of their work is due in large part to its omnivorous ability to consume and transform a variety of styles into a new, cohesive entity. The introverted folk of Nick Drake may be found here, as well as the graphic cyberpunk nightmares of Frank Tovey (Fad Gadget), not to mention the rhythmic permutations of Philip Glass. From Beefheart to Brahms, the sources of LPD's quicksilver soundscapes are myriad. What holds them all together is Ka-Spel's dense lyricism and grim obsessions.