T.D. Jakes



T.D. Jakes is the Barry White of the gospel R&B world, but it didn't start there. First he was a preacher, then he became a best-selling author, and then he built a reputation as a raucous urban gospel concert marshal -- and that's just the tip of the iceberg for this community leader. Despite his international influence, Jakes' primary focus remains his congregational flock, over 5,000 strong, at the Dallas-based The Potter's House, where he serves as pastor. Time magazine dubbed him "America's Best Preacher," but his accomplishments and community efforts are too prodigious to name. Some of his most notable musical offerings are the Woman, Thou Art Loosed albums, spawned from the conferences (and books) by the same title. When it's Jakes himself at the mic, he exudes a deep, smooth R&B groove, with a sermon always simmering beneath the lyrics; sometimes he ditches the music altogether and goes straight to the sermon. On his Presents albums, Jakes gathers the industry's favorite urban gospel voices to harmonize the heart of his ministry.