
About this artist

Ta-ku is a modern day renaissance man. Rising to prominence as one of Australia’s most in-demand beatmakers, the Perth-based artist (real name Regan Matthews) has found himself curator of a rapidly expanding, multi-disciplinary creative empire.

Borne from a late-night sideline to his day job selling health insurance, Ta-ku’s music has quickly become a global, full-time concern. From early days uploading chopped hip-hop cuts to Soundcloud, the “genre-killer”’s prodigious credits now include ambitious projects like 50 Days For Dilla, high-profile remixes for Flume, Chet Faker, BANKS, Childish Gambino and Justin Timberlake, as well as a clutch of co-writes, production efforts and countless self-releases.

Team Cozy, the sneaker-based Instagram account he started as a joke with friends, is about to graduate from a 70k strong following to a full-blooded clothing line. The collaborative design community he co-runs and contributes to, Create+Explore, celebrates travel and lifestyle culture with killer photography, music and video production. If there’s a cohesion point to these streams, it’s their contribution to the Ta-ku identity. Beyond the producer’s forthcoming Songs To Make Up To EP, a companion piece to last year’s Songs To Break Up To EP, a debut full-length is due.