Stephen Brodsky

About this artist

One-man band and self-proclaimed "zinger/gong fighter" Stephen Brodsky -- better know as Steve Brodsky but also known as Stove Bredsky, Sleeve'n Slobsky, Spleev'n Splobsky and many other assonant aliases -- is perhaps best known as the frontman for metalcore masters Cave In, as well as a fill-in bassist for grindsters Converge. He is also responsible for the eclectic indie collective Stephen Brodsky's Octave Museum. As a solo artist, Brodsky's genre of choice is lighthearted, experimental indie pop. Citing kitchen appliances as an influence for works on everything from his 1999 debut Expose Your Overdubs to 2008's Black Ribbon Awards, Brodsky's lo-fi tampering makes for relaxed listening and longtime fan approval.