
About this artist

Sixx:A.M. is the band formed by bassist Nikki Sixx, vocalist & producer James Michael, and guitarist DJ Ashba. Sixx:A.M.’s previous two albums - THE HEROIN DIARIES and THIS IS GONNA HURT – both of which were accompanied by books of the same name - have sold over 600,000 copies and spawned 2 number one radio singles, “Life Is Beautiful” and “This Is Gonna Hurt.” Their third album released in October 2014, called MODERN VINTAGE, has garnered rave reviews.

Of course, these impressive achievements all stem directly from Sixx:A.M's constant willingness to challenge themselves and push at the edges of their inventive and technical capacities. “I feel like the three of us are able to set goals - sometimes goals which seem unachievable - and figure out how to not only reach, but surpass, those targets,” says Sixx. “When it came time to make Modern Vintage, we sat down and said, 'We have to dare to make something that could leave us looking very silly',” confesses James Michael. “We needed to take risks and accept that it might fail.” The result of that risk is an album which sees the band going back through the history of the music they love, constantly developing and expanding their sonic palette while continuing to explore lyrical territory which is personal, spiritual, philosophical and intensly poetic.

“My favorite writers are Ginsberg, Burroughs and Kerouac,” smiles Sixx. “What we do lyrically with Sixx:A.M is not one dimensional; we try and go as deep as possible. We want people to feel something and connect with what we are saying.” The upshot is that Modern Vintage is record of beauty and genuine substance, that will move both your head and your heart and that will attract the casual listener and the avid music fan alike – the sound of three masters producing something which confounds both expectation and categorization.

It's this profound message - as well as their unorthodox means of disseminating material - which has cultivated the powerful bond the band share with their fans. These are not just songs to be idly enjoyed and cast aside, there are plenty for whom Sixx:A.M has been a catalyst for real and long-lasting life change. “There are messages of self-improvement and striving on all our records,” says James Michael, “and I am glad that people are able to relate to those aspects of it.”