Shawn McDonald

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Talk about a complete turnaround! Back in 1999, Shawn McDonald was wanted on nine felony counts of possessing, growing and dealing drugs. "You name the drug and I was selling it and doing it," McDonald says in his bio. "I can't communicate how crazy I was." It was at the lowest point in his life (his second drug bust) that the Oregon-based singer picked up a Bible and challenged God to show him the way. Since then, McDonald strives to find ways to share his story; the most direct way being via his music. In 2003, Sparrow signed the singer-songwriter, releasing his debut, Simply Nothing, the following year. The directness of his songs, and the air of truth imbedded in them, drew people to his music. "The crazy thing I've found is that if you're willing to be really real and honest, people are willing to listen," says McDonald. "So I can tell them about the drug lifestyle I came from and I can tell them about my redemption in Christ." And he does. Willingly. On 2005's Live in Seattle, McDonald shares his life story in between songs and as a context for his lyrics and fans respond with enthusiasm and compassion. The connection between performer and audience is almost tangible.