Паша Техник

About this artist

Pasha Technique (Technique) - the performer in a style that can be described only as an "alternative to failing Russian rap" in recent years, the frontman of the ensemble Kunteynir and contracted in a shameful article in the Russian Criminal Code (which is not too surprising, given the regular and detailed reports on the themes of entertaining drug use in its tracks). Exactly! Respect is the expansion of the scope of what can in opposition to commercially oriented "true rappers" like 5 Splash with its restrictive manifests or Vlad shafts, with its references to the roots.
Pasha Technician – one of the band members Kunteynir was in 2008 caught red-handed by the police with a certain amount of drugs because the bases of some of the friends. Announced charity event in the redemption of the musician in the investigation Kunteynir the investigation was not successful, and for several years he stayed in places not so remote, but a creative life was Kunteynir stopped.

The goal was to "make a contribution" (bribe) to the power structures in order to close a criminal case - was not successful. It is for this and had arranged a charity night, all proceeds from which declared as material support for parents Pasha Technique.
In 2013, Pasha Technician was out on PAROLE from places of serving the sentence, "fully realizing and perevospitat".
As a member of degradant-trio Kunteynir and ruthless consumer inside of narcotine, football and underground poet Technique is called, was widely known in narrow circles. New hip-hop creations under the brand Kunteynir, however - as there was still no after the liberation the hero of our story from prison! However, the Technique has gone a different way - began to fight for the return of the positions in the Russian underground by participating in battles and variety of video shows on YouTube.

Activity Pasha Technician and the line about the mythological have an article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (it is true sometimes and in the manner of a caricature of a fascist spoke - so that he, too close 282) played with a Technician cruel joke. It is true that technology has substituted - but very strange sound these lines, taking into account the actual (and many, though) mention of the facts of life conflicts associated with the consumption and distribution of narcotic drugs. Such a conclusion can be made, if to judge on creativity of the Machinery and his state of his soul and body that were shown repeatedly in different competitions "Russian folk rap" performances.
Leading a riotous life and confessing (probably won't for sure - cautious editors rap portal http://www.rapobzor.ru) sallateeska branch of Islam, Technique attended football matches, had experimented with alcohol, barbiturates, and judging by the texts - with an unconventional and types of love - in a word, the Technique was looking for inspiration for their postmodern rap texts in various spheres of life. At the same time, I must say, the Technician was always kind and friendly person, creative person.

Then merry carnival ended abruptly. And apparently when conducting the next test purchase drug control authorities took the plow Equipment on the purchase and possession of a large consignment of narcotic drugs is prohibited.
A small note: the group Kunteynir able to scare the living daylights of any housewife. Team members including, notably, Pasha Technique is wholly appropriate threat of "junkies" described in the books of hunter S. Thompson. Their captions veer between delusional nonsense and baby-talk and its impact can be compared with the successful plays and poems insane.
And topics of these wild songs, and correspondence with the controversial rap star didn't leave any illusions of the infallibility of the musician.