Owen Phillips is a experimental folk artist based in the Yorkshire town of Holmfirth. Armed with an eclectic collection of stringed instruments and noise making devices, he concocts obscure music, which is then frequently and brusquely shoved through an array of loopers, delay pedals and other electronic gadgetry, before connecting with your ears for your musical delectation or disgust.
Residing in Holmfirth, with it’s rich heritage of folk music, has certainly instilled an awareness of the diverse possibilities of the genre from an early age. A grounding of folk sessions and blues bands has further cemented a laid back and impromptu attitude to jamming and improvisation. Unafraid to combine these elements with the technological possibilities afforded by our modern age, Owen forges an eclectic and unconventional musical path.
On stage, more traditional blues and folksongs are woven together with multi-layered improvisational passages – acoustic guitar, banjo, mandolin and harmonica rub shoulders with theremin strains and long delays, all built up through loop pedals and embellished with anything interesting that comes to hand. What results is a set swinging between diverse acoustic songs and a one-man experimental folk jam session.
Recorded works reap the benefit of being unhindered by the logistical issues of lugging around many and varied instruments, and will my constructed from any or all of: Acoustic and electric guitars, 12 string guitar, slide guitar, bass guitar, mandolin, 5 string banjo, Hammond organ, autoharp, ukulele, piano, harmonica, theremin, kaossilator, saw, various synths, and an unusual array of things to shake, scrape or bash in the name of rhythm.