Nathaniel Thomas

About this artist


Nathaniel Thomas Reynolds, was born in Marietta Ohio, raised in Columbus Ohio and started writing lyrics when he was 14 years of age. He is a Christian rapper picked out of the pits of the secular music industry from his start with Real Em' In - a hip hop group out of Columbus Ohio. After over a decade later he decided to walk away from his passion to focus solely on his newfound relationship with Jesus.

After taking a few years to re-center his focus on Jesus, the flame began to flicker and he picked the pen back up. With a deeper understanding of his Savior and his eyes being open to the wickedness of this world, he began to jump back into song writing. But this time it would be different. Now knowing that we fight not against flesh and blood but against the prince of darkness, Nathaniel decided to start shedding light in the dark with his first release titled, "The Trough."

Now joining forces with Word Rat and BRMG, Nathaniel's focus is to use his passion to Glorify God and bring an urgent awareness to the sleeping Christ follower.

Official videos