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A reaction to the initial COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns of early 2020, MMXX channel the darkness and desperate feelings of the time into an onslaught of doom metal with their 2022 debut, Sacred Cargo. Formed when ex-Foreshadowing guitarist Andrea Chiodetti was plunged into lockdown during Italy’s initial COVID-19 outbreak, Chiodetti looked to music as a conduit for his own feelings of despair and dread in those early days. Hooking up with Daylight Dies’ bassist Egan O'Rourke and drummer Jesse Haff on the internet (they were in New York), the trio started to collaborate, writing and recording material that echoed their experiences of the pandemic. Bringing in different vocalists for each track, they looked to Swallow the Sun’s Mikko Kotamäki, Antimatter’s Mick Moss, and My Dying Bride’s Aaron Stainthorpe, among others, to flesh out the tracks. Following a handful of singles, the resulting album, Sacred Cargo, was issued in late 2022 on Candlelight Records. ~ Rich Wilson