

Japanese noise rockers Melt-Banana will blow your mind. Combining Punk's furious intensity with boggling virtuosity and bold experimentalism, the band conjures a sound that can only be described as inhuman. Guitarist Agata's feet navigate a maze of effects pedals with the skill and finesse of a tap dancer, crafting unholy, inner ear-tickling noises and triggering microscopic samples to color his feverish slide guitar heroics. Meanwhile, vocalist Yasuko O. belts out squeaky, percussive shrieks that, while occasionally cute (the band's renditions of "White Christmas" and "Surfin' U.S.A." are particularly entertaining), are most often just startling. And their songs are fast. Insanely fast. They rarely extend over the two minute mark, and regularly clock in at under a minute. And thank goodness -- if their songs were any longer, the uninitiated would surely pass out from over-stimulation. If you suffer from any sort of heart condition, approach with caution.