Marina Rosenfeld

About this artist

A classically trained pianist who studied at Harvard and the California Institute of Art, Marina Rosenfeld began to experiment with turntables as a medium that would be able to fuse composition and improvisation together. Recording segments of filtered sounds, such as bells and sirens, onto acetates, and since 1997, she has performed live shows from her “fragment opera” that sometimes includes video and electronics. During live shows, she finishes the mixing of the piece through improvisation. In 1999, she released her first record, theforestthegardenthesea, which consisted of two of her live performances both as a solo artist and within a group setting. Interested in performing with all-women ensembles, she has run the 17-piece Sheer Frost Orchestra since 1993. The all-women group has an alternating membership and the group plays electric guitars with nail polish bottles while others digitally alter their music with laptop computers. ~ Geoff Orens