Little Rêd

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About this artist

A Folk band from Oxford and Reading, UK.

"Little Red have proven once again that they have style in everything they do" - Invisible Filter

"New track 'Siren's Song' with it's bewitching Bluegrass edge, suggests this band are just getting better and better"
- Nightshift Magazine

"This hit exactly the spot I needed. I was sat in a very comfortable chair in a quiet room, listening to a trio playing acoustic Americana-tinged folk music and getting it exactly right. There’s nothing flashy here, but there’s warmth, peace, variety and just enough menace to keep things interesting. Highly recommended." - Calum A Mitchell - Oxjam

"Oxford's premier dark-folk band" - Dave Gilyeat - BBC Radio

"A band well worth following" - Ronan Munro - Nightshift Music Magazine.

"Their musicianship is tight as you could want, the songwriting sharp, vocals engrossing and the lyrics striking." Charlie Elland - Folk Words

“Little Red are definitely worth listening time and I can only recommend you take the opportunity” Neil King - FATEA Magazine