Julia Gartha

About this artist

Julia Gartha is a 23 year old classically trained pianist who is studying songwriting at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. Hailing from Markham, Ontario , Julia first discovered her voice when the kids in her elementary school asked her to sing the national anthem louder. She then joined local theatre groups and enjoyed auditioning and performing. Julia was a reluctant piano student but she soon discovered the instrument was the perfect way to express her thoughts and feelings. She soon began composing music on her own and began improvising with covers.

Julia was picked to be one of the Top 10 girls chosen to compete for the role of Dorothy in Andrew Lloyd Webber's production of "The Wizard of Oz" , she was awarded a grant for her performance from Celebration of the Arts and she is currently on scholarship at Berklee College of Music. Julia goes nowhere without her headsets and play list and her friends say Julia has an almost eerie knowledge of top 40 music.