Janel Antoneshia



Janel Antoneshia is a Jamaican born singer/songwriter currently living in the West Midlands.

With a mixture inspired by gospel, rhythm and blues to soul and reggae—her versatile and distinctive sound continues to develop since her first EP release “Eleutheromania” on music platform Soundcloud, which saw her focus on different aspects of freedom: from love to politics.

Since then, Janel has gained a respectable and organic fan base, which has seen her progress to 30K+ plays on Spotify. Her most popular release “12’s Company” is already considered to be a contemporary classic.

Janel Antoneshia credits the streets of Birmingham in nurturing her distinctive performance ability. The songstress has been busking for the past three years whilst dedicating time to recording, releasing music and live performances.

Her music has lead to features on BBC Introducing, BBC WM and BBC Asian Network, as well as some of UKs popular summer festivals: Simmer Down Lounge, Simmer Lock-Down and The FlyOver Show.

Other performances/projects included TEDx Talks and The Voice UK.

When asked about the inspiration behind her lyrics, she shares that her ultimate vision is to continue creating music that's connected to the growth of self and others.

The songstress promises much for the future, as she’s currently working on her EP and live shows.
The new EP will explore more of her Jamaican roots and her story thus far.