Jamie Anderson

About this artist

Known for her warm voice and unique female-centric storytelling, American singer/songwriter Jamie Anderson made her debut in the late ’80s with Closer to Home (Tsunami Recordings). In 1990 and 1991, she was voted Favorite New Performer by readers of Hot Wire, an international journal of women’s music and culture. A versatile performer, Anderson has toured throughout North America since 1987, playing everywhere from coffeehouses to concert halls. In 1990 alone, Anderson performed for audiences in 22 states and was featured at several women’s music festivals, including Campfest, East Coast Lesbians’ Festival, National Women’s Music Festival, New England Women’s Musical Retreat, Southern Women’s Music and Comedy Festival, and West Coast Women’s Music and Comedy Festival. In addition, Anderson is deeply involved in LGBTQ awareness. She issued her 11th effort, Dare, in 2013. ~ Laura Post