Isi Audi



Based between Mexico City and Berlin, the Mexican “Isi Audi” delivers a very special live performance combining his productions with improvisation and unexpected samples. Since 2018 Isi created this live performance to separate himself from the average “DJ” set. Full of cosmic dreamy sounds, mighty groovy 80s Italo baselines, 2000s leads, and ethnic housy, percussions, that remind early uplifting electronic music.

This has led Isi to be a guest in truly special venues and festivals in the world like Thuishaven (Amsterdam), Sisyphos (Berlin), Factory93 (USA), Signal Festival, Cova Santa (Ibiza), etc.

Isi is the founder and curator of “The Shanghai Cafe”

“The Shanghai Cafe” is a monthly inclusive rave inspired by the kitsch Chinese restaurant culture and the Chinese zodiac, which invites artists from different underground scenes to collaborate and present themselves to a mixed crowd. Why Shanghai Café for a Mexican event? Exactly it doesn't make sense, like many things in Mexico. It talks about the mix of influences our country had and the mix of them with the vivid Mexican creativity. like many things in Mexico. It talks about the mix of influences our country had with the vivid Mexican creativity.