Gable Price and Friends, a notable alternative rock ensemble originating in the scenic town of Redding, California, emerged onto the music scene in 2018. Since then, they've amassed more than 22M global streams and embarked on numerous nationwide tours, captivating audiences across the United States with their electrifying performances. Influenced by esteemed alternative rock icons such as The Killers, Kings of Leon, Gang of Youths, and Switchfoot, the band holds a profound appreciation for the transformative nature of live music experiences.
Lead vocalist Gable Price leads this musical journey with a clear vision: to distill life's complex emotions into compelling simplicity, resonating deeply with listeners.
Their second full-length album, "The Consequence of Being Alive," released in autumn 2022, solidified their position within the alternative rock landscape. Following an extensive tour in 2023, the band dedicated early 2024 to crafting new material. Their forthcoming EP, "Jungle In the City," awaits release alongside an ambitious 38+ show headline tour. This venture marks their most expansive tour to date, promising an unparalleled experience for fans old and new.