Freddieb the great

Official videos

About this artist

Freddieb the great (born Freddie Brown) professional story begun in 2021 when theMarietta ba sed rapper decided to make a career out of his life long passion formusic.Following the loss of his brother and uncle, who were also his partners in rapsessions and biggest supporters of his talent, Freddie decided it was time to rebuildand take his newfound take on life to honor their memories and give back to theircommunity by putting it all into each beat and rhyme.Guided by the foundations laid down by the fathers of old-school and contemporaryHip-Hop, he pulls from different flows to bring its own take on the genres.In just a year he has already cemented himself as a reputable name in Georgia’sbergeoming hip-hip scene and pointed as one of the top 10 opening acts to watch for2023.His newest single “Slide”, is going viral on TikTok and showcases his creative outputand witty lyrical adeptness.