Eyyub Yaqubov

About this artist

Eyyub Zakariyye ogli Yagubov was born on April 26, 1965 in Baku, Bailovo district (settlement). The first education he has received in school № 49. His great interest to music was expressed by parallel study at musical school № 3. In 1980 after finishing 8-year's school study he has entered a Musical Technical school named after Asif Zeynalli on the class of a piano. The initial dream of Eyyub was - to become the musician. Indeed, he never supposed that sometime in the future becomes the singer.

Simultaneously with study in a technical school he worked as the pianist in an ensemble of national tools "Humayun" headed by Alibaba Mamedov. With this ensemble he participated in concerts held in all regions of Azerbaijan.

Being the schoolboy and studying in 7th class of musical school № 3, he has taken the first place in the competition (festival) among the pianists of Azerbaijan. Working in an ensemble of Alibaba Mamedov, alongside with classic music Eyyub studied also folk music. Being among friends and familiar people he sometimes singed. The pianist Eyyub, dreaming to become the musician, has left this dream. Being the witness of underestimation of our musicians' work, he has decided to become a singer.

From early years he often attempted to sing among the friends and relatives, and consequently was familiar with the art of singing. He was specially in love with street songs of old Baku. His desire to sing was not resulted by a financial interest. This desire coming from a clear conscience simultaneously has inspired him. As he said, he began to sing "blatnoy" songs. According to demands of the time, he began to sing in restaurants.

Married in 1992, has a son - Zakir.

Became popular in 1992. Since that time has issued 4 audio cassetes and 3 CDs. In 1999 - "Duet Amburan" and "Mister Alibala", in 2000 - "Agabala Chaykovskiy", in 2001 - "Ana". Released 3 video clips on songs "Ana", "Kor erebin mahnisi" and "Deniz".