Dechen Shak-Dagsay

Sobre esse artista

Dechen Shak-Dagsay is a contemporary singer of traditional Tibetan Buddhist mantras in new modern melodies for younger generation. She is the daughter of the Dagsay Tulku. Born in Kathmandu, Nepal in 1959, Dechen and her family moved to Switzerland in 1963, where she has resided ever since.
Strongly committed to "preserving Tibetan culture in the West," Dechen studied and performed traditional Tibetan music and dance throughout her childhood and adolescence. However, she considers herself to be truly a product of Eastern and Western culture. As an adult, she pursued a successful career as a marketing assistant to marketing executive in Zurich.
In 2001, Dechen recorded and released Dewa Che: The Universal Healing Power of Tibetan Mantras. Although the album was intended as singular creative side-project, its success far surpassed the artist's expectations. In 2002, Dechen was signed to PolyglobeMusic Austria and signed an additional contract with the US-based label New Earth Records in 2004, thus affording her music access to North American markets.
In 2005, Dechen left her job to pursue her career in music full-time. 2006 saw the release of Shi De: A Call For World Peace.