David Lloyd-Jones
The Best of David Lloyd-Jones · 2024
Últimos lançamentos
The Best of David Lloyd-Jones
Lord Berners: Ballet Music – Les sirènes & Cupid and Psyche Suite
Lord Berners: The Triumph of Neptune, L'uomo dai baffi & Other Works
Holst: The Planets, Op. 32 - Matthews: Pluto, the Renewer
Standford: Symphony No. 1, Cello Concerto & Prelude to a Fantasy
Alwyn: Concerti Grossi Nos. 2 & 3
Alwyn: Violin Concerto
Cliffe & Erlanger: Violin Concertos (Hyperion Romantic Violin Concerto 10)
Bliss: Meditations on a Theme by John Blow - Metamorphic Variations
Dodgson: Essays for Orchestra
Sullivan: Ivanhoe
Sobre esse artista
British conductor, born 19 November 1934. Died June 2022.
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