The man behind the brilliant Jazz/Drum 'n' Bass programming of Cujo is Brazilian-born Amon Tobin, best known for his solo work released on Ninja Tune Records. While his Cujo work is a bit older (Adventures In Foam was released in 1996), it's clear Tobin's zest for classic jazz was already bubbling over. The Cujo stuff has arguably deeper roots in Drum 'n' Bass and Ambient Breakbeat than some of his newer material, but any fan of abstract beats, classic jazz (such as Miles Davis, Charles Mingus or Thelonious Monk), or downtempo music will love his use of old school samples of exotic orchestral instruments and complex, incredibly dense arrangements. Because Cujo/Tobin incorporates so many classic instruments into his music, there's always a scratchy undercurrent of snaps and crackles fritting about the mix.