Blind Reverendo



Mario Rivoiro AKA Blind Reverendo, ideatore e creatore di Blind Luck Records, negli anni della gavetta parte dallo studio classico delle percussioni latinoamericane e africane, come di canto e chitarra, per approdare alla maturità artistica con l'ibridazione tra reggae e flamenco, tra il freestyle raggamuffin' e la bossanova.
La maturità tecnica si definisce con gli studi e il Diploma Europeo di Tecnico del Suono e di Registrazione. L'ispirazione per il nuovo progetto musicale è nata, nei due anni appena trascorsi, viaggiando l'estate australe in Sudamerica tra Argentina, Uruguay e Brasile, e nella stagione seguente tra Italia, Spagna e le Baleari. L'approdo è stato sulla riviera Ligure, allo studio di registrazione Ithil World ( dove sono in fase di mixaggio finale le nuove canzoni. Mario è non vedente dall'età di otto anni e viene accompagnato nei suoi viaggi e nella vita di ogni giorno dal suo cane Leo :)

Blind Reverendo is the musical manifestation of those who have faced and mastered its difficulties, has put its concerns in synthesising rhythmic, lyrical, and metrics.

It is the personification of the soul and Blind Luck Records: the team working under the protection Blind Reverendo and pushes his idea of ​​a world of increasingly difficult challenges and exciting.
Barriers to be removed with the impact of noise and melody. With the knowledge that the results are always within reach of our hands, even in Old Europe of 2011.
To this Blind Reverendo maintains high attention to the identity of our present, not the reality of glossy media, but the daughter of immigration and cultural meltin'pot.

As an artist, Blind Reverendo is in constant contact with a large group of musicians. With their collaborations have not only participated in the musical construction, but they shared the messages in each song and the feelings communicated.

The party's commitment, joy and awareness,
caipiriña and red wine, the beaches of Brazil on Friday night and Saturday morning in the snow in the Alps

Mario Rivoiro AKA Blind Reverendo, inventor and creator of Blind Luck Records in the early years of starts from the study of classical Latin and African percussion instruments such as guitar and singing, up to the artistic maturity with the hybrid between reggae and flamenco, among the raggamuffin freestyle 'and the bossa nova. The technical maturity is defined by the studies and the European Diploma of Sound Engineering and Recording. The inspiration for the new musical project was born, in the past two years, traveling the austral summer in South America between Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, and the following season in Italy, Spain and the Balearics. The landing was on the Riviera Ligure, the recording studio Ithil World ( where they are in the final stage of mixing the new songs.
Mario is blind from the age of eight years and is accompanied on his travels and everyday life by his dog Leo:)