
About this artist

This music is for anyone, and at the same time, it’s for the misfits…For those of us who sometimes sing out of tune, and yet we sing our heart’s truth anyway. For those of us who may seem a bit out of sync with the rest, and yet we play and dance our hearts wide open! And it’s for those who never judge us for BEing this way. It’s for the jacks of all trades, and masters of none. For those who are highly sensitive, intuitive, and “different” and for those who always love us without judgement for being just that. This music is a permission slip to color outside of the lines, and to feel free to show up in a way other than how society perceives as “normal”. To the inner child that has suffered in silence…To the wounded masculine and wounded feminine within each and every one of us…To the brightest and purest aspects within, and at the same time, for the deepest and darkest… May this music inspire all of the perfectly imperfect parts of ourSelves to come together through integration and nonjudgement in order to find wholeness once again.

And without further ado, I wish to invite you into the first transmission that started it all, “We Are Love”. The pre-sale of the full album and official single release will begin on 4/11, and for the time being, my gift to you, is access to the first single today! This album will be released under my spiritual name, Ashtani Akshagni. I understand for some, this may feel like a lot to take in, and I understand that not everyone is available to receive what it is being said here and through this music…For those who are available, I’m so excited to dance and play with you. For everyone else, I invite you to get curious and check out this song. There’s nothing to lose, and so much to gain! I honor you and your path regardless and thank you for your presence on this planet with us at this time of great awakenings!